• Masters of Harmony

Quarterly Updates

Masters of Harmony Update – Summer 2023

By Ron Larson, Staff Writer

Masters of Harmony Reach Toward Musical Excellence Moves Onward

Masters of Harmony Perform for a New Audience in Palm Desert

Justin McQueen set the stage for the Masters of Harmony's first appearance in Palm Desert's McCallum Theatre as he paid homage to the circus/carnival barkers of the Barnum and Bailey Circus era and described some of the sights and smells an audience of that era might have experienced.

The show, titled "Something's Coming," opened with "Harmony," followed by the Beatles Sunshine Medley and "On the Street Where You Live."

The Seventh Variety, 2022 BHS International NextGen Quartet Finalist (Jacob Gonzalez, Michael Keleshian, Emilio Pichardo, Mitchell Sampang) sang "Mona Lisa," the comedic "I Want a Girl Just Like the Girl that Married Dear Old Dad," and the jazzy "Royal Garden Blues."

The MOH's 2022 Charlotte International contest set next up earned a standing ovation from the nearly sold-out audience.

Masterpiece, winner of the 2013 International Quartet Contest in Toronto, wowed the audience with a set that included "Let's Live It Up," "Isn't She Lovely," "Tennessee Waltz," and "Old Man River" featuring Brett Littlefield's deeply moving bass solo.

The final set included the Armed Forces Medley, a song that allowed the chorus to honor audience members who have served in one of our country's armed forces. The show closed with "Unclouded Day" and the rousing "Stars and Stripes Forever."

Judging by the enthusiastic responses of the audience throughout the show, it seems likely that the MOH will return to McCallum for future performances!

Masters of Harmony Host the 2023 Far Western District Spring Convention

For the first time since 2019, the Far Western District held the Southeast-Southwest Divisional Contests, this time at the Los Angeles Marriott Burbank Airport Hotel and Convention Center on March 24-26, 2023. Twenty-two quartets and eight choruses competed for honors, participation that exceeded expectations. Bill Rosica, David Melville, Ben Porter, and Adam Kaufman provided invaluable leadership. Although the Masters of Harmony did not compete as a chorus, four quartets with MOH members did. Eleven of the 22 quartets had at least one MOH member, and all competing choruses had at least one MOH singer on the risers.

Kudos to Jim & Sharon Ernsberger for producing the show and providing the sound system, backdrops, and stage decorations. Bob Czubiak brought and set up the stage lighting systems, Mat LaCounte provided the videography, and Leonard Jensen's Volunteer Committee filled many unsung jobs.

Commemorating the World War II Landings in Normandy

The Masters of Harmony has a unique opportunity to create a chorus commemorating the 80th Anniversary of the costly landing on the beaches of Normandy, France, that led to Allied victory over a year later. The MOH is actively recruiting singers to perform in a choral group of 60+ singers named the Normandy Freedom Chorus. Applicants will be evaluated regardless of gender or Barbershop affiliation to determine the composition of the performing chorus. The MOH invites singers interested in performing with this chorus to respond to the Masters of Harmony website by May 15. Singers and non-singing travelers can find registration and login details on the MOH site.

Reaching for Even Higher Levels of Musical Excellence

To reinforce the vocal production lessons introduced by Steve Scott earlier this year, Director Alan Gordon has been giving small group lessons before Wednesday rehearsals. Spencer Randell contacts each singer and sets up groups of 4-5 to meet with Alan at 6:00 PM before the regularly scheduled chorus rehearsal. Peter Burt continues to administer the Music Learning Improvement Program as he works with Alan to help members set learning goals for the chorus and let members know how and when to label their music learning and vocal performance readiness.

Supporting Choral Music Education in Local Schools and Communities

The Masters of Harmony's annual Young Men's Harmony Festival (2001-2017) inspired a similar annual choral festival for young women known as "Diva Day," organized by the Harborlites from Sweet Adelines International. The Masters of Harmony continues to collaborate with the Southern California Vocal Association, a professional organization of choral music educators, to help promote and encourage choral music education and provide training and assistance to new choral directors.

Continuing a Far Western District Tradition of Leadership

Charter member Kenny Rios returned to the Masters of Harmony in 2017 after a 30-year absence determined to do more than sing in the chorus. He serves the chapter as a board member-at large and, for the last several years, has been active in Far Western District leadership positions as Youth In Harmony Manager and Executive Vice President. Last October, Kenny was elected President of the Far Western District (2023-2024) and is following in the footsteps of former FWD Presidents and MOH brothers Bill Rosica, Craig Hughes, Allan Webb, Bernard Priceman, Bob Lally, John Krizek, and Jack Hines.